We were going to give a round-up of 2015 results but that will have to wait as there are so many new contract and tender wins coming in:
Consortium bids can be hard to manage but these 3 companies in the Home Counties were willing to do what was needed. They put egos to one side, called on our expertise in winning tenders, and were open to lively interaction and debate on the best way to present their offer to the bid target. That willingness to work openly with us has now resulted in their first contract win.
Appointed by this national franchise group in January 2015 the tender wins for their franchisees continue to roll in. Down in gorgeous Devon the local franchisee has just won a major contract with Plymouth City Council, its first ever win, using our services to help them submit a tender bid of a quality that the Council snapped up.
A long way from Devon but the sun is shining in Barking & Dagenham in East London which has also joined the list of outstanding contract and tender wins for our clients this month. A £3.3m contract for crisis intervention and homecare services was just the ticket for a long standing client where our expert input has helped them cut a swathe through the competition across North and East London winning bid after bid with Local Authorities and the NHS.
If you want to win contracts as an independent company, a franchisee, or within a consortium and want to win through the strength of your arguments and quality of proposals rather than the daft self defeating approach of dirt cheap prices get in touch. If you are a franchisor that wants to maximise its attractiveness to franchisees by increasing their earnings as well as your own get in touch.
Regardless of whether your company is small, large or absolutely huge our expertise in winning tenders and contracts can help you win more, win better and win more profitably – just give us a call.