If you have tenders and contracts that your company wants to win please do not delay in contacting us.
Even at this early stage of 2015 we are receiving calls from potential customers who have left the attempt to win important contracts until the last minute. We aim to help wherever we can but our aim is not just to gain new assignments it is to win contracts for our clients which is why our clients succeed and keep coming back. Last minute rush jobs just don’t get the same success rates and we unfortunately sometimes have to disappoint would be new clients when a high quality bid just cannot be created at the last minute.
The process of winning new contracts and tenders starts long before tender invitations are published. The preparation, research and planning elements can effectively take place in the six months prior to any expected tender opportunity and such advance work massively increases the likelihood of achieving a win.
If you have contracts and tenders you want to win later this year please start talking to us today – that is what will get a win.